Tiny Kitchen, Big Food

Handling Picture Meta Data

I use an iPhone 6S to take photos for the blog. Along with great photos, my phone, like most digital cameras, stores all sorts of meta data including camera information, location that photo was taken and the orientation of the phone when the photo was taken. The first time that I uploaded my beautiful photos to my WordPress Media Library to include in a post there is an unexpected rotation of the photo. I tracked down the rotation problem due to this meta data which is stored in EXIF format so it takes a special program to view and edit this data. I use EXIF Pilot™  for this function.

You too can strip away the meta data from your photos before uploading so that nothing unexpected happens in your Media Library! Here’s how.


  1. Take photo on iPhone 6S
  2. Email photos from phone to tinykitchenbigfood account
  3. Download photos to laptop
  4. Open EXIF pilot
  5. Open desired photo and clear EXIF data
  6. Rename photos
  7. Upload photos to WordPress media library
  8. Delete photos from laptop

There is probably a more efficient workflow, but this what I am using now. As I learn more, I will update this page.

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