Tiny Kitchen, Big Food

Two Fast Recipes for Quick Pickles

Here are two fast recipes for Quick Pickles. What are Quick Pickles? Essentially just cucumber, vinegar, and something sweet that are combined and then chilled.  Quick Pickles are sometimes called refrigerator pickles. No complicated canning steps here. Quick Pickles are not intended for long term storage just for short term eating! They are ready in about an hour and will last a week in the fridge if you don’t eat them before that!

I have included two recipes in this post. One recipe is a little sweet and one has a little bite. Both recipes uses cucumbers and vinegar but one uses honey to sweeten it up while the other uses olive oil. Both recipes make a great condiment for sandwiches or just for snacking. Some people would call the the second recipe a cucumber salad. Fine by me. The onion gets sweeter as it marinates in the in the oil and vinegar and I think it tastes better after a couple of days. Maybe I should try pickling the onions!

Scale each recipe to make enough liquid to cover the pickles. Just keep the ratio of the honey to vinegar or oil to vinegar the same. Combine the liquids in a bowl, whisk with a fork and then add the sliced cucumbers. You will be eating these in no time at all!

Ingredients for Quick Pickles

3 or 4 small cucumbers

Quick Pickle 1: Sweet Quick Pickles

1 TBPS Honey

4 TBPS Apple Cider Vinegar

Quick Pickle 2: Regular Pickles (or Cucumber Salad)

1 TBPS Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 TBPS White vinegar

Small Onion

Salt and Pepper

Instructions for Quick Pickles

  1. Start with fresh, small cucumbers
  2. Peel strips of skin away so you have alternating regions of green skin and no skin
  3. Slice cucumber into 1/4 inch thick slices
  4. Add to pickling brine/juice
  5. Stir gently or cover and shake gently to coat the cucumber slices
  6. Refrigerate for an hour so they are cool and crisp
  7. Enjoy within a week (or an hour!)



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